
  1. Please refer to “How to check your Primary Mail Address” and make a note of your Kyushu University Primary Mail Address in advance. There are many inquiries about error messages cause by mistakes such as forgetting to include “@m” or “@s” to your email address. Be sure to check your email address without relying on your memory.
  2. Launch Thunderbird. OAuth 2.0 authentication requires web cookies, so make sure that it is enabled. If “Account Setup” tab is shown, click “Home” tab. Click the top right icon and click “Preferences”.
    Open Preferences
    Click “Privacy & Security” and enable (check) “Accept cookies from sites”. Close the preferences tab.
    Accept cookies
  3. If there is no account configured and “Account Setup” tab is shown, select that tab and proceed to step 4. Otherwise, click the top right icon and “Account Settings”.
    Account Setting
  4. Click “Account Actions” at the bottom left and click “Add Mail Account”.
    Add Mail Account
  5. Enter your full name and your Primary Mail Address noted in step 0. Remove the check mark of “Remember password” and click “Countinue”. Please don’t enter your password here.
    Mail Account Setup
  6. Thunderbird searches and shows available configurations. Confirm that “IMAP” is selected, and click “Configure manually”. Please do not click “Done” yet. “POP3” is deprecated and not recommended. “Exchange/Office365” is a paid extension for Thunderbird. You need to purchase personally if you want to use this option.
    Available configurations
  7. Manual configuration is shown. Change “Authentication method” of both servers to “OAuth2”, and click “Done”.
    Change to OAuth2
  8. Enter your SSO-KID and password, and click “Sign in”.
    Microsoft 365 Sign-in
  9. If Thunderbird requests permissions to access your mail, click “Accept”. (It may not be asked in some cases.)
    Request for Permission
    Click “Yes” in the following screen.
    Keep session
    You are all set.

Configure SMTP server for changing your sender address

The default outgoing server doesn’t allow users to change their sender addresses from their Primary Mail Addresses. Please don’t change the setting or the delivery will fail. Please add as an alternative outgoing server if you need to change your sender address.

  1. Click the top right icon and “Account Settings”.
    Account Setting
  2. Click “Outgoing Server (SMTP)” and click “Add”.
    Add SMTP Server
  3. Enter the following information, and click “OK”. Please note that “User Name” is not your Primary Mail Address.
    smtp.m server
    Item name Item value
    Description Anything distinguishable from other entries
    Server Name
    Connection security Select “STARTTLS”
    Authentication method Select “Normal Password”
    User Name (Your SSO-KID)
  4. Click the first line of your Primary Mail Address account, and click a drop down list of “Outgoing Server (SMTP)” at the bottom.
    select an SMTP server
  5. Select “” you have just created.
    select smtp.m
  6. You need to enter your password of SSO-KID when you send a message.
    SMTP server password
Collaborative Infrastructure Working Group, Information Infrastructure Initiative, Kyushu University