Setup email

Primary Mail Service

Kyushu University Information Infrastructure Initiative provides email service named “Kyushu University Primary Mail Service”. When you become a member of Kyushu University, you will be automatically issued a “Primary Mail Address”.

The format of the email address is as follows:

  • Faculty and Staff: Last name.First Name.3-digit number
  • Student: Last name.First Name.3-digit number
    • For students, (Student ID) is registered as an alias address.

Important and urgent information from Kyushu University will be sent to this email address, so please check it regularly.

Other email services (managed by a department, laboratory, etc)

Other email addresses in a domain are managed by a department representing its domain name. Information Infrastructure Initiative does not manage these services, so please consult the administrator of each service.

Some of them are hosted with “Primary Mail Service for Organization” or hosting service by Information Infrastructure Initiative.

Collaborative Infrastructure Working Group, Information Infrastructure Initiative, Kyushu University