OneDrive for Business


OneDrive for Business is an online storage service for individuals. It is able to share files between students, faculty, and staff of Kyushu University.

Please see the link below more information.

Usage manuals

How to use it on the web browser.

  1. Sign in to office 365 portal page. (
    Sign in manual
  2. Click the OneDrive icon.onedrive
  3. In OneDrive, you can upload, donwload and share files with other users.main

Procedure for sharing with specific users.

  1. Select files or folders, click [Share].
  2. Enter the email address of who you want to share.
  3. (Optional) If you want to allow for edit, tick in [Allow editing] then click [Apply].
  4. Click [Send] if it is prepared to send link.

Procedure for sharing with all internal members.

Anybody can access the file or folder those who knows the share link in Kyushu University.

  1. Selct files or folders, click [Share].
  2. Click gear icon.
  3. Change range who share to [People in 九州大学] then click [Apply].
  4. Select [Copy Link]. It is possible to access the shared files from the link generated.

Anybody can access the file or folder those who knows the share link.

  1. Select files or folders, click [Share].
  2. Click gear icon.
  3. Change range who share to [Anyone with the link] then click [Apply].
  4. Select [Copy Link]. It is possible to access the shared files from the link generated.

See [Create a file request] for instructions on how to create a link to upload a file.

Procedure for change privilege.

  1. Select the file or folder you want to stop sharing.
  2. Select [Information] in the upper-right corner to open the Details pane.
  3. Select [Manage access], you can update and/or delete the link generated.

How to use for sync-tool (OneDrive application).



  • Do not share any information equivalent to the confidentiality 3 defined “九州大学が保有する情報の格付け及び取扱制限に関する規程(平成29年度九大規程第58号)” on the OneDrive.
  • Please use Proself Disk if you want to store highly confidential infromation.
  • The Copyright Act protects copyrighted works such as music and movies, and prohibits the unauthorized distribution of such materials. Please pay attention not to commit copyright violations when using Office 365.
Collaborative Infrastructure Working Group, Information Infrastructure Initiative, Kyushu University