Set up Outlook to use Exchange (Windows)

Outlook 2013 and above supports Modern Authentication in Exchange protocol, but Outlook 2013 requires registry changes . Please use Microsoft 365 Apps or upgrade to Outlook 2016 or 2019.

1. Review your current setting

  1. Launch Outlook. Click “File”.
    File menu
  2. “Account Information” is shown. If you have multiple accounts, click a box below “Account Information” and select an account for Primary Mail Service. If you see “IMAP/SMTP” or “POP/SMTP” under your Primary Mail Address, you need to follow this instruction below to set up your account again. If you see “Microsoft Exchange”, no action is required.
    Account type

2. Change POP setting (when your account is “POP/SMTP”)

If your account is “IMAP/SMTP”, proceed to “3. Export the current account data”.

If your account is “POP/SMTP”, you may need to change POP setting to avoid deleting messages from the mail server while following this manual. Please also refer to Extra warning about POP.

  1. Click “Account Settings” box and click “Account Settings…” at the top of the list.
    Account config
  2. Double click an account with “POP/SMTP” type.
    Select POP/SMTP
  3. If “POP Account Settings” window appears, check “Leave a copy of messages on the server”, and remove a check from “Remove from server after [] days” and “Remove from server when deleted from Deleted Items”. Proceed to step 5.
    Leave copies
  4. If “Change Account” window appears, click “More Settings …”.
    Change account
    “Internet E-mail Settings” window will appear. Click “Advanced” tab. Check “Leave a copy of messages on the server”, and remove checks from “Remove from server after [] days” and “Remove from server when deleted from ‘Deleted Items’”. Click “OK” to close this window and click “Next”. Assuming the test complete, click “Close”.
    Internet mail config
  5. Close all setting windows by clicking “Close” or “Finish” buttons.

3. Export the current account data

  1. Click “File” to open “Account Information”. Click “Open & Export” > “Import/Export”.
  2. In “Import and Export Wizard”, Select “Export to a file” and click “Next”.
    Export to file
  3. Select “Outlook Data File (.pst)” and click “Next”.
    Outlook data file
  4. Select your Primary Mail Address in “Select the folders to export from:”, check “Include subfolders”, and click “Next”.
    Select folders
  5. Choose a location and name for your back file, and then click “Finish”.
    Select export file
    If you want to ensure no one has access to your files, enter and confirm a password. Click “OK” and a backup file is made.
    Select export file

4. Set up your account again

You cannot add multiple account settings of the same email address in Outlook, so you need to remove the current account setting and add a new account with Exchange connection. Removing the account from Outlook does not affect your account and its data on the mail server.

  1. Click “File” to open “Account Information”. Click “Account Settings” box and click “Account Settings…” at the top of the list.
    Account config
  2. Select an account to delete, and click “Remove”.
    Remove account
  3. When there is only one “IMAP/SMTP” account configured, the following pop-up might appear saying that you need a new datafile and you cannot remove that account. If you see a different pop-up with “Do you want to continue?”, proceed to step 4.
    Needs a data file
    Click “OK” to close the pop-up, click “Data Files” tab and click “Add…”.
    Add a data file
    Click “Outlook data file (.pst)” and click “OK”. Specify a filename and click “OK” to create a new data file.
    Add a data file
    Click “E-mail” tab and go to step 2 to remove your account.
  4. When you see a warning pop-up saying “Do you want to continue?”, click “YES” to remove the account setting. It does not affect your account and its data on the mail server.
  5. Add an Exchange account by referring to the following manual.
  6. You are all set. Review your mail folders and their contents.

5. Read the exported old account data file

You can read the exported data file as follows.

  1. Click “File” to open “Account Information”. Click “Open & Export” > “Open Outlook Data File”.
    Open a data file
  2. Select a datafile you exported in the section “3. Export the current account data”.
  3. A new entry “Outlook Data File” is added in the left sidebar of the main Outlook window.
    Outlook data file
  4. If a folder seems empty or some messages are missing, and there is a text “Filter applied” shown at the bottom of the left sidebar, click that text. Click “Clear All” in the Filter windows and click “OK”.
    Filter applied Filter applied
Collaborative Infrastructure Working Group, Information Infrastructure Initiative, Kyushu University